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Thursday, February 25, 2010


पत्थर की मूरत , देवी की सूरत

बस अहसास ही तो हैं और.............!

कुछ नहीं !!

जीने की कामना,

सत्य का सामना ,

विस्वाश की परख

अहसास ही तो हैं और

कुछ नहीं.............!

इन्सान की ताकत ,

इच्छाका दमन ,

प्यार की फरमाइश ,

अहसास ही तो हैं, और

कुछ नहीं...................!

माँ बाप की इज्ज़त ,

परिवार की कल्पना,

सिक्को को अहमियत ,

अहसास ही तो हैं , और

कुछ नहीं ......................!

Monday, February 22, 2010

दर्द !

दर्द उसे भी हुआ ,
और मुझे भी !

अंतर बस इतना था की,
उसने मुझे लातो से मारा,
और !!!!!!!
मैंने उसे बातो से मारा

Friday, February 19, 2010


वीरान में भटक कर
सन्देश खोजता हूँ ,
है कल्पना विदेश की
मैं देश खोजता हूँ
देखता हूँ हर जगह
दिमाग ही दिमाग है !
नवजवान जल रहा ,
लगाई किसने आग है !
किसकी है ? ये साजिश !
इन्सान खोजता हूँ
है कल्पना विदेश की मैं देश खोजता हूँ
कौन ? रोकता है ,विकास की गति को !
हम चुन नहीं है पते अछे सभापति को !
हर नवजवान है , ताकत हर बुजुर्ग है बिद्वान ,
फिर भी न जाने! क्यों ? डर रहा है हिंदुस्तान
बिखरे हुए चट्टानों में इन्सान खोजता हूँ ,]
मंदिर के पत्थरों में भगवन खोजता हूँ
अजीब झंझटो से भारत ,
गुजर रहा है
ये गुलिस्तान हमारा कैसे बिखर रहा है ?
कल ज्ञान बताते थे , aj खुद को तरस रहे है
उजरे हुआ दिलो में सममाँन खोजते है ,
है कल्पना विदेश की हम देश खोजते ही
जय hind

Friday, February 12, 2010

टीचिंग कांसेप्ट

Teaching is a social process in which teacher influences the bebaviour of the less experienced pupil and helps him develop according to the needs fo the society.
The teacher himself has to dicide, which solution would be suitable under the given circumstances.He cannot take the help ofany great book, advisor or assistant.
Teachers face difficult proplems quite often.If theydo not use wisdom while facing such problems, they may suffer heavily. Under a particular situation, different students may have different perceptions, actions, reaction and cotractions to a given issue or subject. Effective coordination among them could be a very difficult task in that event.
the best way for teaching is this:-
Methods of fulfillling the needs o highly intellligent students.
Techniques of motivation and their appropriate use.
Reasons of the creation of problems related to discipline: idenification of these reasons and their elimination

Teaching is both and Art and Science.It calls for exercise of talent and creativity. It is a professional activity involving teacher and student with a view to the development of the student. teaching is a system of actions variesd in form and related with content and pupil behaviour under the prevailing physical and social conditions.Teaching can be analysed, and assessed and analysis and assessment provide a fedbace for the improvement of the students. it is highly dominated by the communicatin skill. so to speak, teachingisan interactive process carries with purpose and objectives.
Teaching may have various forms as formal ,informal direcional ,instructioal, formationl,training, conditional,indoctrination talking, showing etc.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

इंडियन वोमेन

Condition of women in India.

The Constitution guarantees every citizen the fundamental right to equality. Yet after 50 years of independence .just one perusal of the female infant mortality figures. The literacy rates and the employment opportunities for women is sufficient evidence that discrimination exists. Almost predictably, this gender, bias is evident in our political system as well. In the 13th Lok sabha , there were only 43 women MPs out of a total of 543. It is not a surprising figure, for never has women’s for never has women’s representation in parliament been more than 10 percent.
Historically, the manifestos of major political parties have always encouraged women’s participation. It has been merely a charade, so, women’s organizations, denied a place on merit, opted for the last resort, a reservation of seats for women’s in parliament and state assemblies. Parties which look at everything with a vote bank in mind. Seemed to endorse this. Alas this too was a mirage.
But there is another aspect also. At a time when caste is the trump card, some politicians want the bill to include further quotas for women from among minorities and backward castes. There is more to it. A survey shows that there is a general antipathy towards the bill. It is actually a classic case of doublespeak: in public, public, politicians were endorsing women’s reservation but in the backrooms of parliament, they were busy sabotaging it. The reasons are clear: Men just don’t want to vacate their seats of power.